Thursday, April 11, 2013

Making the best out of your education in School and living your DREAM Life

We have heard of stories of many people who built successful businesses and did not go to school or complete their "education" in school. Some of them become head of states. "A students eventually work for C students!" Yes, there are tons of businesses created by people of all walks of life. Some of them have PhDs, Masters degrees from top academic institutions.

Well, for the observation that top students end up working for the people who dropped out of school could be attributed to what each individual seeks out in life. In a lot of cases, we do not truly know what we want and simply follow the people around us. Like why we do need to go to a good school, get good grades to land a good job? It is also subtle programming by people close to us, such as our parents, who may be proud to see us becoming lawyers, accountants, bankers, engineers, professors?

I started my Finance PhD years ago and now doing a Management PhD. It is my dream from the outset to create a kind of school (web-based) to empower people around the world to pick up "skills" that can truly enhance their lives and realise their personal purpose and dreams within them!

Why do I go to school? Firstly, I need to understand the system from within, in order to provide viable alternatives that can truly empower people. A stint in school simply for the piece of paper to guarantee a job is facing touch challenges given that almost half the population in the world are enrolling in Universities and there is an excess of supply of labour. Secondly, the credibility, especially with a Dr title, may garner some support from people around when I am trying to market my views and businesses. Thirdly, it is networking and being in the PhD programs at Singapore, Cambridge and Glasgow, plus attending conferences, allows me to interact with many self-directed and focused people that may be part of this exciting project in time to come. There is tremendous learning during the process.

My education in school and living my DREAM Life

Going to school and making "mistakes" is all part of learning. What is more important beyond aspiring for the best grades possible, is to try out things and knowing people. In school, we learn different things and through the experience, you may discover what you do not like and hopefully what you may enjoy? For example, you may not enjoy things that require lots of memorising and following or rules like accounting and law?

Use this period to think deeper about what matters to you in life? Do you want to spend time to travel around the world after you complete your school or use the opportunity to travel while in school. There are useful exchange / internship and community work. I was lucky to go to Manchester Business School for my undergraduate exchange. The highlights that time was visiting Old Trafford - Manchester United which is my all time favourite football team 10 times. And I get to watch the matches plus getting autogrpahs from many of the players. My friends did their internship in India, China, volunteer work in Vietnam, Cambodia, exchange in Japan, USA, Europe and work-and-travel in USA.

My 2nd exchange was during my Finance PhD to Cambridge University. It has profound changes in my life as I get to see the culture and experience the great architecture of the University. It is the place where many leaders and world changers are from. Being at the place where history was created truly inspired me to follow my dreams and hopefully be like these people who changed the world we live in now.

These experiences and other things that occured in life, paved the way for me to be in Glasgow. Being here, exposed to the diversity in the world of thinking, has truly changed me. I can contrast and compare the life in Singapore and the life in UK. With that, I can appreciate fully what a blessed life I live.

Making the best out of your education in School and living your DREAM Life

It is never a waste in time in school. You can always tailor what you enjoy, lessons from school and beyond, and combine with an imaginative mind to make it financially viable. There are new ways to make money. For example, you can combine what you are good at and run it as a web based business.

I have signed up for web-based webinar to learn new skills. An example is Deborah Gair's Seeing & Perceiving Enegy and I paid good amount of money to do it. It is an example to reach out to the rest of the world at the comfort of your home or anywhere in the world. No longer are we tied to a geographical location. Besides, content once created can always be shared and possibly generate future revenues / goodwill for the creator.

Think about it. Feel free to reply to me and I will share your experience on how you can convert your hobbies to things that is financial viable. The ideal dream life is to be financially free, where income comes from these passive sources and they exceed your daily expenses needs. It frees you from working and trading labour for money. The free time allows you to try new things, create new things and increases the sources of passive income  which enhances your life even more! I will call it the "ABUNDANCE CYCLE".

Get started and may the world of DREAMS await you!~

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